1. Hologram TV Technology
At the beginning of 2011, Apple wanted to develop a television with a screen that produces holographic images without the need for special glasses. This technology-related patent reveals latest. A recent Apple patent reveals that the company that manufactures the iPod and the i-Phone is currently working to create a screen that can produce three- dimensional holographic images without glasses.
This technology will provide a more realistic experience to the user. Apple’s patent claims that the technologies that will create an image that appears in a hologram and have the ability to track the movement of the public eye. Holographic TV technology is a remarkable aspect of the invention because it produces a virtual experience that is indistinguishable from that seen actual holographic image.
Three-dimensional television will become the latest technology trends 2011 after the producers are ready to launch 3D television and blu-ray player.
2. Nano Technology in Healthcare Industry
The development of pharmaceutical industry that uses nano technology is now growing so rapidly. In the world of pharmaceuticals, nano technology plays a role in improving production quality and security (safety performance). Nanotechnology is a technology that allows an object is broken down in the scale of a nanometer, or one per billion meters and is one technology that can promote industrial and economic growth in all areas.
According to Heny Rachmawati, nanotechnology experts Bandung Institute of Technology, “in the field of pharmaceutical nanotechnology is currently widely used to extract traditional medicines such as ginseng. In addition, the content of cosmetics, for example for a sunscreen cream”. Ginseng which uses nano technology capable of more quickly absorbed by the body and makes the content of ‘ginsenosides’ (percentage content of ginseng to produce stamina) is higher than any other ginseng. Nanotechnology can be used in the pharmaceutical world because it will help the solubility, stability, and Traffic absorption.Certain drug compounds to dissolve and have difficulty penetrating. For such conditions, nano technology can take the role. Another example is the calcium content in milk which should also be made using nano technology for can effectively absorbed into the bone. Today, nanotechnology has been developed by considering the industrial sector to produce it is not easy requires expertise, evaluation of modifications so that up to the nano scale. In Indonesia, the new nano technology itself developed about five years. In fact, this technology abroad has been growing since 10 years ago (the 1990s). So if Indonesia does not deepen nano technology, then our industry including those left behind.
3. Robots are Ready to Overcome Radiation Disasters
In the midst of a nuclear crisis that occurred in Japan, demonstrating advanced robots are ready to fight tooth and radiation. Some robots specially imported from Australia, the United States, and France in order to overcome problems related to the reactor in Fukushima.
1. Monirobo (Monitoring Robot)
Monirobo used to work in environments that have high levels of radiation for humans. Robots weighing 600 kg has a manipulator arm to remove the obstacles and take samples. In addition, this robot is also equipped with radiation detectors, 3-dimensional camera, as well as temperature and humidity sensors. The robot has a height of 1.5 meters which was developed by Japan Nuclear Technology Safety Center and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan after the events Tokaimura nuclear accident in 1999. the robot is able to move with speed 2.4 km / h and has a protective anti-radiation necessary to protect the sensors and electronic equipment.
2.Rainbow 5
This robot is the first robot production Tokyo Fire Department. This robot is actually a robot and used water hoses during fire situations too dangerous for humans. This robot help with hoses to spray water along 800 feet directly into the spent fuel pools at reactor number 3 for 13 hours.
3. Packbots and 710 Warriors 510
Both robots were developed by the iRobot Corporation of Bedford in Massachusetts. This robot can move more swiftly than Monirobo. Both were able to climb stairs, even the Warriors be able to pull the hose. The weakness of the two robots are not having a protective layer of radiation.
4. Erase, EROS, and ERELT
Erase, EROS, and ERELT are robots developed by INTRA (Groupe d’Intervention sur Robotique Accidents). The three robots are specifically designed to cope with a nuclear accident. Erase weighs 6 tons and has a powerful hydraulic manipulator. The EROS is devoted to operations in the room. Meanwhile, ERELT a radio relay robot that can be controlled from a distance of several kilometers. Shipping robot was canceled because of Japan said it is not needed it.
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